Get the best start for your business! 

Planning Permission

Building Control Permission

Removal of Conditions

Disabled Access


We have experience in a wide range of areas that will be a great fit for many businesses. If you're thinking of opening a bar or cafe, we could be perfect for you.


We have experience of Change of Use, Building Control Permissions, Internal & External Renovations, Design & Access Statements, Outdoor Seating, Sound Proofing Measures, Disabled Toilets & Facilities, Fire Proofing Measures and so on.


Whatever you're issue, we're sure we can help.


The Grasshopper


Winner of CAMRA Award 2017

The Liverpool Pidgeon


CAMRA Winner 2014

Shortlisted 2022

As well as winners

we've also helped all kinds of places to get on their feet.


0.1 Planning

You don't always need a Change of Use planning application for a business, (see Permitted Development below), but it helps to get the proper advice.

0.2 Planning Conditions

Planning consent often comes with Conditions that have to be removed before you can open. We can sort these out for you.


0.3 Building Control

Need structural alterations or other renovations covered by the Building Regulations? We can produce drawings that will put you in the clear.


0.4 Noise Abatement

Noise abatement generally involves external noise produced by fans, chillers, or flues. The need to produce a scheme design for their mitigation will be attached to the planning permission as a Condition. 

0.5 Sound Proofing

Sound reduction is internal. You may need to install sound proofing measures where there is a tenant in a flat above or a residential house to one side.

Again, these come in the form of planning Conditions.

0.6 Disabled Access

The Building Control Departemnt will often want to see measures put in place to allow disabled access -- most commonly, this is in the form of a disabled toilet.



We can help in all these areas, and many more!
Planning Consent for Businesses
A Step-by-Step Process
Step One: Planning Permission

Gaining planning permission takes at least 8 weeks, although you should allow for longer due to delays in the planning system. Many projects can proceed without a formal Change of Use and are covered by Permitted Development Use Class Orders.


Click on the link below for a download table you can use to check your proposed development.

Step Two: Removing Conditions

Planning permission will often come with 'Conditions' attached. These normally involve  noise reduction

or sound proofing requirements. You will need to submit a plan of mitigation to have these conditions removed before you can open. This involves a second 'Removal of Conditions' application, which again takes 8 weeks.

Step Three: Building Control

Building Control permission will be required for any structural work - which may require the services of a Structural Engineer - as well as fire escape requirements, disabled access where appropiate, and various other standards as they apply to your project - for example, drainage work and general building standards.